Current notice

The homepage and the subpages of the Earth Sciences Department are currently under construction. We ask for your understanding and look forward to being able to present you with an updated and complete website of the Earth Sciences Department as soon as possible.

Department of Earth Sciences

The Department of Earth Sciences is an organisational unit within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and is presented on these pages.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Fachgruppe Erdwissenschaften

Chairmanship and administration

Departmental Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Andreas Kemna

Deputies: Prof. Dr. Britta Klagge, Prof. Dr. Christian März

Human resources budgeting
Geography: Dr. Sonja Hock
Geosciences: Holger Voß

Scientific coordination: Holger Voß
Meckenheimer Allee 176 / Room 0.014
53115 Bonn
Tel.: +49 (0)228 73-7480
Fax: +49 (0)228 73-4734

Teaching and room management
Master's programme KaVoMa

Office: currently vacant
Please note: As the office is currently vacant, this may result in longer response times.
Meckenheimer Allee 176 / Room 0.015
53115 Bonn
Please send enquiries by e-mail only to

Further information on habilitation, doctorate, research semester, dean's office

Institutes of the Earth Sciences Department

Institute of Geography
Student Council Geography

Institute of Geosciences
Student Council Geosciences
Student Council Meteorology and Geophysics

Members of the expert commission

  • all professors of the institutes belonging to the department
  • Representatives of the academic staff
  • Representatives of the technical and administrative staff
  • Representatives of the students

The members of the individual status groups are listed here.

Meeting dates

The current meeting dates in the summer semester 2024:

Expert commission
Faculty council
10.04.2024 24.04.2024 02.05.2024
08.05.2024 29.05.2024 13.06.2024
19.06.2024 03.07.2024 18.07.2024

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