Useful information and links

Here you will find further information and links about the topics study, promotion and habilitation for the Earth Sciences department.

General Information

If you are interested in a doctorate or habilitation in the Department of Earth Sciences, you will find all the necessary information here, as well as further information on the superordinate Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

As a member of the department, you will also find the application form for a research semester here.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact the departmental office:

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Dr. Thomas Mauersberg / Universität Bonn
© Gregor Hübl / Universität Bonn
© Volker Lannert / Universität Bonn
© Volker Lannert / Universität Bonn



Research semester

The documents listed below are required for an application for admission to the doctoral programme. Please send these in digital form (pdf files) to the departmental office at As soon as all documents are complete, the approval of the department chair can be obtained and the application forwarded to the doctoral office.

Further information on the doctoral programme can be found here.

Following the doctoral programme, the Department of Earth Sciences offers the possibility of a habilitation.

In order to carry out a research semester, you need the corresponding application.

  • Fully completed application (incl. signatures of supervisor, management/directorate) for admission to the doctoral programme
  • Bachelor's and Master's degree certificates and diplomas including translations
  • Completed questionnaire for student statistics
  • Copy of the photo ID
  • If applicable, a copy of the residence permit for foreign students
  • A curriculum vitae
    if applicable, a detailed declaration from the supervisor regarding sufficient knowledge of English (§8 (6) Doctoral Degree Regulations)
  • If applicable, an informal application for equivalence of degrees not obtained in Germany
  • If the dissertation is to be written in English, an informal application for examination English
© Peter Sondermann / Universität Bonn

Faculty of Maths and Natural Sciences

The Department of Earth Sciences is part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Bonn. Further information can be found under the link below.

© Dr. Thomas Mauersberg / Universität Bonn

Other departments of the Faculty of Maths and Natural Sciences

Information on other departments of the Faculty of Maths and Natural Sciences can be found under the link below.

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